Order an excursion: +375 222 64-10-14, 65-42-81

Могилевский областной краеведческий музей имени Е.Р. Романова

The exposition is placed in six halls on the second floor of the museum.

It shows the main historical periods in region`s development from 9th century to 1917.

The epoch of Ancient Rus is represented by the map of tribe`s settlement. Visitors also can see a sculpture of ancient warrior, a model of Old Russian boat.

Visitors can observe the things found during excavation of town Mstislavl. It`s one of the most ancient (1136) settlements in the country. Among the exhibits it`s possible to find the unique memorial of the written language — a birch-bark letters of 13th century.

The pagan times represents so-called sacred stone «Medved», the copy of Shklov idol & stone cross.

The Christian times represent crosses of 13th-14th centuries & icons of 18th-19th centuries. Among icons the most interesting are «Trinity» & «John the baptizer».

The history in times of the Great Duchy of Lithuania & Rzecz Pospolita is shown in the next halls. The exhibition displays armor & war outfit.

The largest city of Podneprovie region — Mogilev is shown on plans & pictures (17th-18th centuries). The exposition also has a reconstruction of Mogilev castle (1520-1526). The largest part of exposition is devoted to Magdeburg law & it`s period which began in 1577. City heraldry of Mogilev is also shown in the exposition.

Famous city rebel of 1606-1610 represents a diorama made according to original documents.

The next hall represents the events of Northern war (1700-1721) & the war between Moscow Rus & Rzecz Pospolita. Among original exhibits there are arms, portraits of historical figures & works of art based on real events.

The first years of region`s history under the ruling of Russian Empire represent three unique images made by famous artist Vladimir Borovikovsky (1757-1825). It was saved after the destruction of St. Joseph cathedral in 1938. It was a real masterpiece built according to a project of Nicolay Lvov.

The only article from the cathedral is a church font. The exposition also shows commemoration medals of 18th century, the copy of famous symbolic city keys which were presented to the citizens by Empress Ekaterina the Great (May, 1780).

The next hall is devoted to the events of the first quarter of 19th century. First of all it`s a War 1812 & activity of Decembrists which was connected with Mogilev.

The last two halls represent the life of Russian Empire after the abolishment of serfdom. The exhibition has a document about the reform of 1861 & Konstantin Kalinovsky rebel against it.

A number of articles show the crafts of a region, it`s industrial development, means of transportation, etc. The exposition displays unique photos (the end of 19th century). There is a model of the first locomotive. Its whistle citizens heard on the Christmas Eve, 1903.

The part of exposition is devoted to the events of the First World War. The most interesting documents tell about the last Russian Empire Nicolay II. He was the Commander in Chief & regularly visited General Headquarters in Mogilev.


Address: 212030 Mogilev, Slavy Square, 1

+375 222 64-10-14 (Department of Museum pedagogy)
+375 222 64-14-50 (cash)
+375 222 64-01-20 (reception)

Email: kraimog@mogilevmuseum.by

Working hours:
Day off:
Monday (Slavy Square, 1)
Wednesday (Pervomaiskaya St., 8)