Order an excursion: +375 222 64-10-14, 65-42-81

Могилевский областной краеведческий музей имени Е.Р. Романова

Our address:
212030 Mogilev, Square Of Glory, 1

Электронная пошта:
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+375 222 64-10-14 (Department of Museum pedagogy);
+375 222 64-14-50 (cash);
+375 222 64-01-20 (reception).



Annenkov Viktor Nikolaevich

Annenkov Viktor Nikolaevich
Museum Director
Tel. +375 222 64-09-84

Malashenko Olga Gennadievna

Malashenko Olga Gennadievna
Chief custodian of funds
Tel. +375 222 65-45-05

Burakova Alexandra Sergeevna

Burakova Alexandra Sergeevna
Deputy Director for Core Activities
Tel. +375 222 64-02-55

Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Part — Baranova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Tel. +375 222 64-03-23

Reception — Kalacheva Svetlana Leonidovna
tel/fax +375 222 64-01-20

Chief Accountant — Bodyul Natalya Nikolaevna
Tel. +375 222 64-03-90

Head of the department of scientific and fund work — Krupenko Oksana Grigorievna
Tel. +375 222 64-02-28

Head of the Ethnography Department — Svetlana Borisovna Rybakova
Tel. +375 222 65-30-92

Head of the Department of Cultural and Educational Work — Anisimova Anna Vasilievna
Tel. +375 222 64-06-26

Head of the Department of Scientific and Methodological Work — Milishkevich Tatyana Sergeevna
Tel. +375 222 64-06-26

Head of the Department of Research and Exhibition Work — Paleshkina Olga Leonidovna
Tel. +375 222 64-02-28


Address: 212030 Mogilev, Slavy Square, 1

+375 222 64-10-14 (Department of Museum pedagogy)
+375 222 64-14-50 (cash)
+375 222 64-01-20 (reception)

Email: kraimog@mogilevmuseum.by

Working hours:
Day off:
Monday (Slavy Square, 1)
Wednesday (Pervomaiskaya St., 8)