The exposition was opened July 3, 1993 & occupies four halls on the third floor of the museum. It shows historical period from 1917 to the end of the Great Patriotic War (1945). A great number of documents, things & photos illustrate such important historical events as abdication of Emperor Nicolay II, Kornilov revolt, liquidation of General Headquarter, the proclamation of Soviet state, the Civil war, etc.
Diorama «N. V. Krylenko came to liquidate General Headquarter» shows one of the most tragic events of the October Socialistic Revolution. Another dioramas show the appearance of the city in March 1917 & the prison in town Bykhov where the participants of Kornilov revolt were kept.
A special section is devoted to Stalin repressions of 1930th.
The exposition devoted to the Great Patriotic War shows a tragedy & heroism of Soviet people who could defeat Nazi Germany in spite of all. It displays a number of photos, original documents & things belonged to the heroes of Mogilev defense operation, guerrillas & soldiers.
A special place is given to Mogilev liberating operation. Diorama shows a fragment of famous battle on Buynichi field (July 12, 1941). This battle was depicted by a front correspondent & a famous Soviet writer afterwards Konstantin Simonov. Exposition shows personal things of S. F. Kutepov, a hero of the battle. Later he became a prototype of one of the heroes in Simonov novel «Dead & alive». The central hall of the exposition is devoted to heroic fighting of citizens against Nazi invaders & partisan activity in the region.
Here is an exact copy of partisan dugout. On the place of honor there is a dreadful symbol — the urn with ashes of burnt village.
The last hall of the exposition is devoted to the liberation of region in 1943-1944. The sense of it transmits a huge diorama «Mogilev assault, July 28, 1944».